Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Well, Chaotic Divinity's been caught in something of a spiral for months now. Folks leave so we can't raid. Because we can't raid, more folks leave. Worse still, some of the old-timers start eyeing the door, but don't want to be seen as turning their back on their friends here.

It all came to a head last night, when it was decided that our days as a 40-man raid group were over. We'll still do ad-hoc runs to 20-mans, but no more Molten Core, Blackwing Lair or AQ40. Folks are welcome to go try out for other raid groups for the last two months, and hopefully, we'll all reconvene when The Burning Crusade's out and we can start levelling and exploring the new content together.

I'm deeply saddened by this. After fourteen months with the group, they are, in a very real sense, my home on Azeroth. As it stands now, I have the option of either trying to find another raid group for the last couple of months, or just giving up Wulf until TBC hits. There's really not much out there for a well-geared, raid-specced Hunter other than more reputation grinding or running countless battlegrounds. Neither option is particularly appealing to me.

I could attempt to level an alt, but outside of Stormpaw, I really haven't had much success on that one. Solo-levelling is a bore and if it wasn't for my CD mates pushing me on, I probably would have abandoned Stormy a while ago. So I guess all that's left to me is spend the next two months on Moonglade levelling my Horde alt away from most of the CD folks.

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