Thursday, November 09, 2006

CD RIP: A Retraction.

Well, given that the title and somewhat tired, resigned tone of my last entry gave folks the wrong idea, I'd like to state, for the record, that Chaotic Divinity is most certainly not dead. It's merely resting, and not doing any more 40mans.

Various circumstances meant we were haemmoraging members at a faster rate than we could recruit them. Also, the quality of applicants we were getting were fine for a group starting Molten Core, but they wouldn't have helped us get back into Blackwing Lair or beyond with much hope of success. It didn't seem to be worth recruiting another twenty people for two months of Molten Core runs, after which we'dve had to shed most of them as we slim down for the Burning Crusade's 25-man raids.

It hasn't helped that a blizzard seems to have taken out (erstwhile CD Leader) Gunvladh's server, which hosted our forums, our DKP records and our Ventrilo server. We have found an online refuge thanks to Sialilyth and the lovely folks at Adventure Lovers.

That said, CD continues, diminished, but clinging to the values that have made me stick with it to date:

"Peace, love, and pew-pew-pew!"

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