Friday, July 04, 2008

No raids = no updates.

Well, it's apparently been two weeks since I updated this thing. Time flies when you're not raiding that much I guess.

Yep, CD's 25-man raiding is officially sitting in the toilet, although we're doing things to move us out of that, but the rebuilding's going to be slow. I'm not sure if it's that important anymore since Blizzard seems to be doing it's darndest to get Wrath of the Lich King out before Thanksgiving/Christmas time.

At the moment, I honestly haven't been signing into WoW much, if at all. I have no tank equipment to grind for and whilst I could put some work into gathering more Retribution gear or levelling another alt, none of those options seem to be that appealing.

I briefly considered another Raid group, possibly even another server, but I rejected those notions. It's not going to be worth it for another 4-6 months of raiding. When WotLK comes around, the fact that any raid can be a 10-man raid will help stabilise my situation more. In fact, I have the overwhelming temptation to focus soley on 10-man content in WotLK.

Instead, I've been familiarising myself with the new 4th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons for a tabletop game me and some friends will eb playing. I've also been blasting through some of my neglected Computer RPGs (currently working through Neverwinter Nights 2 and I may soon work up the energy to try the frankly frighteningly open-ended Oblivion).


Ardent Defender said...

Just enjoy the down time to do other things or build up your gold fund. I for one sure believe Blizz will drop a gold sink into WotLK and will be handy to have some gold around to get whatever it may be. Kind like the calm before the storm though with WotLK imminent everyone seem to be in laid back mode or doing other things.

Lazenby said...

My guild went through a similar situation when the footy was on, lucky enough though 25 man raiding has resumed although im being benched whilst they work on Archimonde.

But i tell you what you should do, get a team of 15 people who are up for it and start practising aoe'tanking zulaman for attempts on getting a bear.

We started a few weeks ago with a few that were interested, You MT all mobs with no CC, take a drooid so he can dps mostly and OT the bosses where needed, although i usually OT on Jan alai for the pick up of the birds.

Theres a brilliant training video from elitest gerks

but to cut to the chase, its doable with the gear you have and the first time we did it the feeling was freaking awesome, its 40 mins of the most hardcore stressfull wow you can play

honestly give it a go

Paul said...

Lazenby, you've described the way I do pretty much every ZA run i've ever done with Ulu. Druid OT and me MTing 90% of the stuff.

I'm bored of that place these days though.

Lazenby said...

have you done all 4 chests within the time yet though ?

i was bored with ZA too but this made it a different challenge all together

The teamwork involved is great especially if your like our group with no tier 6, i should imagine its not quite the same buzz if youre full tier 6 and outgear it.