Monday, July 28, 2008

Plans for WotLK.

Well, on CD's forums, folks have started talking about plans for WotLK. I figured I'd share mine with all of you lot.

Well no surprises, mine begin with getting Ulushnar to 80. My current plan for this is to do all the lvl 70-72 quests, and then do the rest of my levelling by either running instances or solo grinding. This way I'll save the maximum amount of quests for gold at lvl 80. I think I'll stick with Engineering as one of Ulu's professions, but i'm torn between keeping enchanting or taking up mining again. Mining offers a buff to Stamina in Wrath, plus it'll make levelling Engineering much cheaper.

After that, I'll do the rounds of the level 80 instances with my friends to get geared up, and hopefully I'll be knocking on Naxx's door within two months. After that, I think I'm going to focus solely on the ten-man versions of instances. Getting a decent group together for 25-mans has proven to be a hit-and-miss affair at the casual level, but getting a solid ten-man would seem to be easier.

In between doing all that, I'll start a Death Knight once the initial surge has died down. I hate alting as a general rule, but since they start at lvl 55, the pain is somewhat mitigated.

What I probably won't be doing is levelling Wulfsblood any time soon. I'm just not a big fan of playing DPS any more, so he'll get a break until I feel the need to go back to him.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

I think my plans are somewhat similar though haven't written about t as yet.

I know for certain I'll have the same professions Alchemy/Herbalism. I'll get my Paladin to 80 and geared up then fast get my Hunter alt up to 80. Reason for getting my Hunter to 80 is because he is full gathering Skins/Mining. I view that as added income profession wise. I'll probably roll and level my DK after though i'm sure I would have already created one but waiting on leveling him.

For me I know I can only focus on 2 characters for gear or play. So sure it will be just my Paladin and the DK. The hunter will just be for fun and gathering stuff for income generation and playing the AH market.

As for raiding in WotLK i know i'm sticking to the 10 man content for just the reasons you described. Im sure in my guild I will be able to find 5 people easily for 5 man and heroics as well as 10 for 10 man content. Much easier than filling a 25 man with people that as lagging in gear getting to 80.