Every time they mention a new WotLK ability for Paladins, I get a little bit more scared. They're giving us everything we could ever want. Crushing Blows gone, Stamina as a threat stat, a ridiculous Strength to BV ratio, Lay on Hands on a 20min Cooldown, a fast mana recovery ability, Two new, on-demand single-target threat abilities and the news that most of our spells will scale with Spellpower and Attack Power.
And yesterday, they gave us a Shield Wall on a five minute cooldown.
Why am I scared? Because it's frankly too much. If we get all this, we'll overshadow Warriors as the Tanking class in WotLK. This is something that I just don't believe Blizzard will allow. It's gonna get scaled back, I can feel it in my bones. But hell, I've got hope.
Now please Blizz, hurry up and bring out WotLK. Every time I see what we will be, it makes it harder to go back and play what we are now.
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
With all the stuff in Beta we are getting and all the love DK is coming with Warriors will just QQ till Wrath get here.
Hell i even hear Protec Paladins in Str/Stam/AP gear can solo well in Beta.I can only hope we don't as you say get nerfed.
The way the changes are pouring in, I'm afraid none will last; which is why I'm only briefly scanning the announcements and discussion. I'm willing to bet a hot dinner that the version of each pally spec we get 2 months after it is released will be a shadow of the stuff in the beta. Its not like this hasn't happened twice before.
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