Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am not an Agony Uncle...

Anyone who's met me IRL or listened to me rant in Vent will know that I am not someone you need to turn to for reassurance and advice.

People asking me about ignorant guilds not giving them a chance or the idiotfest that is the pugging lifestyle are unlikely to be patiently indulged.

I have been part of the same raid group for just shy of three years now. I've gone from A.N. Other Hunter to one of the group's main tanks. I have never encountered any significant Tankadin prejudice. Our first and second Prince kills were with a Feral Druid and Ulushnar respectively tanking. Similarly, I never pug these days since if I can't get my friends interested in an instance, I'm not interested.

I am therefore not the person to come to when someone lols you out of a Pug in favor of a green-geared warrior. I am also not the person to ask if your guild's giving you grief or refusing to let you tank the big boys.

My standard advice in that situation would be:

Grow some balls. (Or y'know if you're a girl whatever works in that place. Ovaries maybe?)

The high-end raiding scene is full of the kind of social retards that make me look like the Dalaih Lama. They will take exception to any johnny-come-lately storming in and bidding on their epics. Take it on the chin, and stick to your guns if you believe you're right. That said, don't stick to your guns so much that you fail to realise when you're wrong.

Before you realise it, you'll be the jerk lording it over the new guy.

1 comment:

Andrew Girdwood said...

PAW; I think you're honour bound to help these poor souls. If it helps then why not imagine the kindly advice I would pass on and simply repeat that?