Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Is Uncrushable/Uncrittable necessary? - A Word to the Neophyte Tankadin...

Yes it bloody well is!

If you're farming the content, maybe you can afford to be a bit sloppy, but for progression stuff (and this is the stuff you're wanting gear checks for, right?) then you need to do everything you can to prevent any random burst damage.

That is always the first concern of a good tank. And you're here because you want to be a good tank, right?

I don't care if leaving you slightly below the crit cap gives you another 500 health, it won't save your ass if that 4k boss hit becomes an 8k boss crit. Passive uncrittability (that's 490 Defense for raid bosses, 485 for everyone else) is so pathetically easy to get it shouldn't even be a question.

Uncrushability can take a bit more work, but it's equally worth it. And it can be disheartening to see all those raiding tanks with 15k+ health whilst you're struggling to break 12k health. However, it's when you have 12k health and trying to tank Prince Malechazzar that you really, desperately need to make sure he doesn't drop a nasty crush on your head.

If you just wanna have a massive health pool that looks impressive when people invite you to PuGs then ignore me. No, seriously, ignore me, ignore the rest of the voices that chant "490, 102.4%" like it's a mantra designed to bring forth some horrid, world-ending god. (and who knows, maybe it is.)

You are a precious and unique snowflake and you will do things your own way. In fact, who the hell do we think we are coming on here and telling you how to be an effective tank?

1 comment:

Typhoonandrew said...

Friggin shame that 102.4% is so darn hard to get to. I've been over the 490 def point for months, but still struggling to get to the Uncrush point. And that leaves me as the OT in places that otherwise I'd love to be MT.