Friday, May 30, 2008

I has vids!

If there's one good thing about Age of Conan, it's that it encouraged me to upgrade my PC.

Now when I play WoW, I'm running around Shattrah and on raids with graphics on full at 60 FPS. As someone who's used to FPS around the 15-20 mark it's a culture shock.

So anyway, since I have all this power not being used productively, I decided to download Fraps last night and recorded some of the Black Temple run:

Edit: Urk that really does look like ass. I reccomend going to the youtube page and clicking on the "Watch in High Quality" link.

This was the first boss. I still need to work on picking a filesize that doesn't look like ass on Youtube, and I doubt Invisusira needs to be looking over his shoulder just yet, but hey, it amuses me.

Oh and on the subject of the BT run, it was our best yet. The first three bosses were all one-shotted and Ulu managed to bag himself an Illidari Runeshield on the trash to Supremus.

From Peter's comment on my last post re: the lack of soulbinding on items in Age of Conan:

Within a month it will be impossible to level any new characters due to twinks serial-ganking newbies. The economy as a whole will be completely fucked in three months.

I doubt it to be honest. The only tradeable mob drop items I've seen were green-quality items either equal to, or on a par with similar level quest items. I have yet to see the equivalent of superior or epic quality drops from standard mobs, and certainly not in the low level bracket.

Twinking as we understand it in WoW is by-and-large impossible. The closest thing the game has to Enchanting is jewelcrafting, and the only socketable items in the game are high-level crafted items. It's incredibly difficult to create a gigantic gear disparity at low levels.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

AoC: the Bad, the Dumb, the Good.

Well ok, last night I just managed to get Aretus the second out of the Tortage starting area at level 21. There's a couple of quests left undone on the island, but I doubt I'll bother going back for them.

I'm going to list some of the things I'm not enjoying about it thusfar:

Age of Conan isn't a very alt-friendly game, since all level 1 characters regardless of race start in the same zone. You want to level a new toon, you've no choice but to run the same quests over again. Also, if you want to change toons, there's currently no way to do so except completely shutting down the game and restarting it. Add to that the hard limit of eight characters across all servers (compared to wow's ten per server) will have most diehard altoholics running back to Goldshire.

Healers really seem to get the shaft early on in AoC. In Wow at least they got relatively potent healing spells early on to make up for their crappier mitigation. In AoC, the first healing spell you get heals for a paltry 2 damage/tick and when combined with their weaker armor and lower health, they spend a lot of time running back from the respawn point.

The starting quests give a false impression of how the game's going to go. Almost all the Tortage quests have cut scenes with full voice acting and multiple dialogue options, which made a nice and impressive change from WoWs "read the quest log and click accept approach". Once you leave Tortage however, things change. You still get the cutscenes, and the dialogue trees, but the voice acting dries up to a trickle of core quests. For most of the quests you're faced with a mute NPC starting blankly at you as you read his request along the bottom of the screen.

Talking about questing brings us to Instances. Rather than a large, open plan world like WoW, the world Age of Conan is a series of instances. In theory this prevent overcrowding in quest areas, and being a veteran of Hellfire Penninsula on the opening week of The Burning Crusade I can kind of appreciate this. In practise however, when grouping you spend a minute or two getting everyone in the correct instance version, and moving to and from various questing zones requires load times.

Whilst it graphics are pretty realistic, (the water effects in particular are excellent) I find myself missing the variety and vibrancy of WoW's more cartoonish palette. Say what you will about WoW but Blizzard took their visual cues from Games Workshop and Anime and they ran with them. The end result is almost uniquely theirs.

Related to this, the default UI is very clunky and when I'm trying to play the game in 1024x768, things feel cramped in a way they don't even with WoW's default UI. Since Funcom haven't released the API, we can't expect the same level of modding that the WoW community enjoys, but some brave souls have started doing what they can to skin the UI to make it more manageable.

In spite of all this, there's some good stuff in there:

Guild creation's as simple as right-clicking a tab at level 20. No gold spent, no running around getting ten signatures.

Trading posts seem to combine banks, mailboxes and auction houses pretty smoothly, but I'm still experimenting with them.

Most items don't get soulbound, but there are some items (quest rewards and I assume boss drops) that are listed as non-tradeable. In practise, this means I can equip the green "mace of twatting" some pict scumbag dropped and when I get a better weapon I can put it up for trade or pass it to an alt.

Skills don't require hours of grinding to raise. And if you want to change your skills, you can do so by clicking on them and spending some money.

Travel between zones is pretty quick for the most part, so no long Griffin rides.

And I really like the Dark Templar. It's a wierd mix of Protection Paladin, Warlock and Shadow Priest. They have the lowest health of the three Soldier classes, but your melee attacks drain life from opponents to bolster your own. As you gain power and spend feats, you can do more damage and even start to damage enemies in the area around you. You also have an aura that heals people when they're struck and a spell that heals your entire group at the cost of your own health. It's an interesting class.

And of course, Barbarians are also great fun. One of those classes that seem to be built around offense with a complete disregard for survival.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Gear Tinkering and AoC

I can't stop tinkering with Ulushnar's gear.

I've finally retired his Bonefist Gauntlets to use the Crystalforge Handguards fulltime, and replaced Pepe's Shroud of Pacification with my Slikk's Cloak of Placation. I've done this so I can comfortably hit the 490 Defense mark without resorting to using trinkets.

A nice side effect of doing this is that when I have my boss-tanking trinkets (Ancient Aqir Artifact and Commendation of Kael'thas) equipped, I can also afford to equip the Libram of Divine Purpose over the Libram of Repentance for better threat, along with the spelldamage and threat enchant on the gloves. The downside of this is the loss of about 500 unbuffed health, taking Ulu to the 16.5k mark.

All in all, I'll take it. 16.5k seems to be fine for the starting bosses in BT, but I am noticing a marked increase in our DPS with the 2.4 badge rewards, and keeping on top of that is a primary concern. If I do need to max out health for a fight, then it's easy enough to swap the AAA for the Darkmoon Card: Vengeance.

Over in Age of Conan, I created another version of Aretus on the Hyrkania PVE-RP server last night. I don't really have anything new to report since he's only level 16 and in Tortage. Still, knowing what to do this time around makes for faster levelling. Things feel rough in game, with server maintenance in the mornings and new patches every 2-3 days. That's to be expected. No matter how long the Development period or how strenuous the Beta, no MMO is completed on launch. The version of WoW that I started playing three years ago bears little resemblance to the game I play today, and I missed the first month of launch. I'm still having fun, so i'll give it time. Definately beats levelling another WoW toon in my non-raiding time.

Monday, May 26, 2008

AoC: F*** PVP!

Well I didn't get much time to play AoC this weekend, as I was visiting friends and then partaking in a moderately successful SSC raid with Ulu.

After the raid I went online and did a few quests in Cimmeria with Aretus. Was going ok, but when I was going to do the last quest of the night (kill an Alpha Wolf for some whining brat) when an Assassin destealths and begins to gib me.

I die, ress, rebuff and run back to the spot, figuring the Assassin's moved on, but no, the bitch is there waiting for me as I engage the mob.

As I was running back again (which was a wasted effort it seems, I was credited for the kill even though I died before the mob), I asked myself a simple question: "am I having fun here?" The answer was a simple "no".

The real reason I rolled here was because a mate of mine from CD was intending to roll here. He apparently has and is refusing to tell people who he is. I suspect he's just looking to gank folks, which is his freakshow.

Tonight I'm going to roll Aretus again on the PVE-RP server where I can hopefully focus on the things I enjoy: tanking and aoe-grinding without looking over my shoulders for opportunistic gankers.

Friday, May 23, 2008

My first experiences in PVP.

Last night's raid to Black Temple was cancelled due to lack of numbers, so I went back to levelling Aretus. I was hoping to get Tortage finished before it become inundated with new players from the full release today.

This is my first active experience on a PVP server. My few attempts to level characters on PVP servers in WoW never got me out of friendly territory so I was quite unprepared for the experience. I wouldn't even be on a PVP server, but my friends decided they were gonna roll there.

Firstly AoC PVP isn't faction-based like WoW. Basically in AoC everyone outside your party/raid is a viable target, and when you pull a bunch of mobs like I do, it can sometimes be hard to tell where the mobs stop and the players start.

This led to some awkward moments last night where I'd be killing a few mobs, then someone would pile in and I'd cleave into them or they'd cleave into me. There'd then be an awkward moment where we'd stare at each other, work out if the other person was going to actually attack, then shrug, apologise and go our separate ways.

Then there was the incident this morning where I was happily killing mobs and a Herald of Xotli called Soul came and started beating on me. By the time I realised what had happened, I was dead. So, I shrug, respawn, get my health up then walk through the door, and find that Soul is attacking me as I'm loading up. This happened 2-3 times in the Tortage Undercity until I managed to catch her with mid-fight for some revenge.

After that, I start killing some mobs in another part of the zone and I find her coming after me, along with a friend this time. She killed me about a half-dozen times before I sent her a tell telling her to grow up and lo the ganking stopped.

I know "it's a PVP server, you should expect it", but I dunno, I hoped the RP part would outweigh the PVP part. I still don't believe in attacking people who are spawning, or who are fighting mobs at the time.

Still I can imagine the dynamic brought about by free-for-all PVP will be an interesting one:

D00d1: Can u come and tank an instance for me?
Tank: Wait, didn't you spawn camp me for about an hour last week?
D00d1: hehe, yeah!
Tank: Erm, no thanks then.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

On the WoW situation.

This is my third summer in CD, and much like the last two, it looks like progression will grind to a halt. The same old excuses get drawn out: it's summer, people have exams/holidays, people are bored with WoW, there's a new game out.

This time last year, some people were worried that Lord of the Rings Online was gonna drag people from CD. It failed to do so because the Burning Crusade was still new. Even if they weren't raiding, folks had five-mans and heroics to run and rep to grind.

Fast forward on a year and I'm pretty much done with the 5-man game, and I'm not alone with that. The only thing that interests me now is the tier 6 25-man instances, but even there something feels "sour" or "off".

The lifting of attunements and the provision of the new badge gear means that everyone can now work on the T6 instances without ever stepping in the T5 ones. I hate to agree with the Hardcore raiders who were moaning pre-2.4, but, to quote the Incredibles: "when everyone is special, no-one is."

Before 2.4 I thought that the democritization of the T6 instances was a good thing. I'm no longer sure that's the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked that I'm not turning up to week after week of Vashj/Kael wipefests. But there's a nagging feeling at the back of my skull, especially in Black Temple, that I haven't "earned" this, that I somehow don't "deserve" this.

Still, I'm a tank, and as long as there's a raid I can make, I'll try to sign to it. But I somehow get the sense that Blizzard took things maybe a step too far in the last patch. Age of Conan may have ended up arriving at the right time.

What's in a name?

Here's Aretus, my Dark Templar, now at a Mighty-Thewed level 14! When I created him, I went for a thick black beard, short hair and sunken eyes. He now looks like Leonidas' junkie brother.

I'm gonna talk a little about my RP naming conventions. I usually tend towards RP servers on MMOs, usually since that's where my friends are. As a result, I have never had the joy of naming one of my toons "Bubblelol", "Retnub" or any of the other names I see doing the rounds whenever I step into a cross-realm battleground. I tend to go with one of two tricks when trying to come up with a new name in a Fantasy or Sci-Fi background:

1. The "George Lucas" approach. I pick two or three syllables I like the sound of and string them together. Examples would be an old Star Wars character of mine called Gann Tharr or indeed Ulushnar.

2. The "linguistic butchery" approach. I'm something of a linguaphile, I like languages and I like learning how other cultures say things. I can't actually speak many languages with any fluency, but I like to collect words and phrases. My Retribution twink experiment on Moonglade Rachskind is an example of this. His name is a very loose german translation of "Revenge Child", which serves as a dual placeholder for "Retribution Nub" and "Wrathchild".

With Aretus, I took the second approach. His name comes from "Arete", the greek word for "Excellence", although it can also mean "goodness" or "virtue". I thought it'd be a good name for someone who draws his power from whatever demon or god will answer his call.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More on Age of Conan

Played a bit more last night, and Aretus my Dark Templar has hit level 11. I quite like the game, although I'm still not convinced it's a Wow-killer. It's graphics are a lot more realistic, and there's a nice tactical element to combat that acts as a nice counterpart to WoW's "hit auto attack and then watch your cooldowns" system.

I rolled Dark Templar since it's a hybrid Tank/Melee caster and I thought it would be the best analogue to the style of gameplay I was used to with Ulushnar. The magic flavor is closer to Warlocks though, with life-draining abilities and calling on pacts with dark powers.

As it turns out despite having the best armor I can afford, his neophyte abilities aren't quite up with my expectations. I can't plunge in and multi-tank my foes yet, and I tend to struggle with more than two mobs of the same level. Since the DT doesn't really have any ranged abilities, it makes some pulls tricky, although I've recently grabbed a Throwing Axe for him which will hopefully help.

It's making the current quest he does tricky, but after doing some research on the forums, I think I see a way around it. I'll give it a go tonight.

This morning I rolled my second character, Donarth, a mighty-thewed Cimmerian Conqueror. The Conqueror's another example of the Soldier archetype, which are tanks. Unlike the Dark Templar however, the Conqueror can't use a shield. They instead do damage either by Dual-weilding or with large 2-handed weapons. They also appear to have some interesting group auras, which will make partying kinda interesting. He seems pretty powerful at level five, but of course there's a long way to go and we'll see how he shapes up.

AoC's a lot of fun, more fun that doing dailies, levelling alts or any of those other tasks that exist to fill the time I'm not raiding in Wow. I'm not about to stop Raiding with Ulu, but this at least gives me something interesting to do with my downtime.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Further into Black Temple

Well, the AoC early access download finally finished by the time I got back from work yesterday. Didn't get a chance to play it pre-raid though because by the time it was installed and patched, it was invites time.

So instead I went to Black Temple to experience the place beyond Supremus. First up was the Shade of Akama, who was dissapointing for a T6 boss. He's like Magtheridon in that you have to kill all the channellers on him and then kill him before he kills his corporeal namesake. Added to this there are groups of adds that spawn from two doorways that need to be AoE-tanked.

Sounds complicated, right? It really isn't. We killed him first time. With only one death.

After that, it was on to Teron Gorefiend. This is a one-tank DPS race, and since I was the only tank with a decently-geared DPS alt, I switched to Wulf for the encounter. (Chaotic Divinity doesn't believe in swapping people out for fights, but it will occasionally ask people to swap alts if they're geared enough.) We made 3 attempts, and got him to 14% on the best attempt. The real wrinkle to the fight is when he turns you into a Ghost with Frost Mage-type abilities and you have to kill four other ghosts before they can get to the raid. If you have no experience with a Mage, then you'll struggle on this part, but luckily some nice folks made a simulator you can use to practice.

After three attempts, people had to leave and we couldn't get replacements, so we called it a night. I stopped off at Sunwell Isle since the population of Earthen Ring finally managed to get it's finger out of it's arse and open the epic gem vendor. After blowing Wulf and Ulu's badge stock on gems for Ulu, I proceeded to regem and swap around some of his gear. The net result is Ulu is now at nearly 17k health unbuffed with the Scarab of Displacement equipped, which gives him a semi-useful "oh crap" button.

After that, the night was young, so I fired up Age of Conan and created Aretus, my Aquillonian Dark Templar. I'll write more about him in another post (as soon as I've worked out what AoC does with Screenshots), but the game seems to be fun thusfar. Since people have asked, I've rolled him on the Aquillionia RP-PVP server to be with friends, but I'm gonna be spending the first few weeks there feeling out the game, so I may not be the most sociable during that time.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Modular Gearing

As I mentioned in my last post, since getting Ulu's gear back, I've been experimenting with a more modular approach to his gear. This is to allow him to tank in various situations without carrying 3-4 full sets of gear. This represents his basic Main Tanking gear. It's loaded with nearly 54% avoidance unbuffed and nearly 17k health.

What it really lacks is a decent "on-use" avoidance trinket since I foolishly got rid of my Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch. I can load up the Scarab of Displacement if I need to, but having that much spare Defense when I'm over the uncrush mark feels like a waste. Ah well, I'll keep grinding Kara and hoping for another drop.

To this set, I mix in a smattering of different items if I need to do something other than tank a progression Boss. For Soloing and farm bosses, I tend to use my threat "set". Basically I replace the gloves with the Crystalforge Handguards (enchanted with Threat), the shield with the Sunward Crest, his Libram with the Libram of Divine Purpose and his trinkets with the Tome of Firey Redemption and Eye of Magtheridon. This boosts Ulu's spelldamage well over the 500 mark whilst still keeping his avoidance and health reasonably high.

The second "set" Ulu has is for AoE trash. Again the Crystalforge Handguards and Eye of Magtheridon make an appearance, this time joined with the Crystalforge Faceguard, (complete with Eternal Earthstorm Diamond), Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 4000, Libram of Eternal Rest and Sabatons of the Righteous Defender. Again Ulu hits about 500 Spelldamage, but he also gains 530 Block Value, which is more than adequate in most AoE situations.

That's three distinct functions reliably provided for only an additional 9-10 bag slots. Not bad.

The Eye of Magtheridon is a weird little trinket. I picked it up when Ulu was reacquiring his gear and it seems to work amazingly well in AoE situations. Since Holy Shield and the first tick of Consecrate can be resisted, it procs a lot on the Mount Hyjal waves. I've been considering switching it out for my Commendation of Kael'thas for the AoE waves (especially the ones containing Abominations) but I'm finding the massive threat boost it gives hard to surrender (my Consecrate was at 230/tick last night with the trinket and Avenging Wrath up).

In other news, the unusually warm summer has started affecting raid sign-ups, and my home PC should have finished downloading the Age of Conan early release client. I may be spending more time with my Aquillonian Dark Templar than I suspected.

Friday, May 16, 2008

So I haven't written much this week. I've been on holiday and been too busy running around or playing games to write much.

Ulu is currently sitting at 17k HP in his newly-restored gear (see armory link) with 54% pure Avoidance and 441 Spell Damage. As MT gear it's pretty cool, but it involves using two Stamina trinkets, which leaves me short of an "oh crap" button in certain situations. I've also started experimenting more with a modular approach to equipment, where I only swap a few slots for block gear, threat gear, etc. I'll write more about that in another post sometime next week when I'm back at work and bored on my lunch break.

In other news, CD has made it's first steps into Black temple. We've killed the first two bosses in there now, and we'll be working on the Shade of Akama on Monday. Ulu even got some nice boots off the first boss.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a Birthday gift...

...But Ulu got his gear back yesterday.

Well I thought it was kinda cool, even if it did take 25 days to complete. None of the gear was gemmed/enchanted when it was returned, but Blizzard also gave me the Nether Vortices/Primal Nethers that the Gold Sellers bought with my Badges. They've currently been sold to fund my reenchanting/regemming fund.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Well today I turned 29 for the third year in a row. *ahem* So I'm going to post a little tune in celebration:

Thursday, May 08, 2008

What is Best In Life?

Still no word on Ulu's gear.

That said he did manage to scrape together enough badges to grab the Inscribed Legplates of the Aldor last night. Pretty nice upgrade over the Wrynns he was using, especially with 2x 15 Stamina gems in them. Ulu is currently sitting at about 15k health in his MT gear. It's not amazing, but it'll be enough to be useful in T5 instances and maybe even trashtank Hyjal.

In other news, I weakened yesterday and pre-ordered Age of Conan. An action-based MMO with Free-For-All PVP doesn't exactly sound like my cup of tea, but hey, it's Conan.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Three days, three different shoulders.

Well three weeks into the hacking mess, still no sign of Ulu's gear. On the plus side, with the exception of his Bracers, I've managed to build a halfway decent set of gear for him now.

On Friday, Ulu came and helped Off-tank a Void Reaver/Solarian run in Tempest Keep. After that was cleared, Ulu went and tanked a couple of Heroics. First up was Magister's Terrace, where Ulu was finally able to get his hands on a Commendation of Kael'thas! After that it was off to Sethekk Halls heroic where Ikiss kindly dropped the Spaulders of Dementia, giving Ulu a set of shoulders with actual tanking stats on them.

After that, Ulu had enough badges to buy a new Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker. However, I decided not to bother replacing any more of my old items and decided to keep saving for the new ones.

The new shoulders lasted him all of about 12 hours before an afternoon Gruul/Magtheridon farm gave him a new set of Justicar Shoulderguards. After that it was off to Karazhan, where Ulu got a new cloak and had enough badges for the new ring. After some humming and hawing, I decided to save badges for the new badge legs instead.

Sunday saw Ulu in Zul'Aman with some bored folks where the first chest provided him with the Pauldrons of Stone Resolve. At the moment, I'm still relying on the Tier 4 shoulders for the most part, but the Za shoulders will be useful for my block set when I get Ulu's gear back. As it stands, I'm just glad to be able to raid and do Heroics with Ulu again.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

State of the Blah

Haven't updated here for a few days. There's not really much to say. I'm about two-and-a-half weeks into Ulu not having any gear, and I'm expecting to wait the same again.

Wulf's become my main raiding toon whilst I assemble Ulu a back-up set of gear. Thankfully he's able to do competitive DPS in Mount Hyjal, Zul'Aman and Tempest Keep. I'm currently collecting Badges on him to get a Crossbow of Relentless Strikes. I've currently saved 63, so "only" another 87 to go.

Ulu's been slowly developing some OK tanking gear. I've got some friends running him through Steamvaults once a day to try and get a new Steam-Hinge Chain of Valor and/or Devilshark Cape. Those items, plus the Tier 4 Shoulders which Maulgar will hopefully drop this weekend, should leave him at a level where he can usefully off-tank in raids again.