Monday, March 17, 2008

Raiding Report - 17 March 08

Raiding's going routinely atm.

Thursday saw us take down Hydross, Lurker and Leo in Serpentshrine. All the bosses were one-shotted, but some sloppiness on the trash before Leo saw us wipe three times and pretty much killed any chance of taking on Morogrin or Karathress.

Friday was supposed to be Tempest Keep, but we couldn't get enough people, so the raid was cancelled. Some folks went to Zul'Aman, I did some dailies and logged out early.

Saturday afternoon saw us go back and kill Gruul for the first time in a few weeks. It took about an hour all things told because people kept on stuffing up the initial pull on High King Maulgar. No Disco Shield for Ulu, but it looks like we're doing him as a regular casual raid on Saturday afternoons, so there's still hope. After that, went and did a Black Morass/Old Hillsbrad Heroics run for fun. Saturday evening saw me lead a two-and-a-half hour clear of Karazhan for badges. No complaints there, the whole thing went pretty smooth.

Last night should have been back to SSC to kill Karathress/Morogrim and train Vashj. However we didn't have enough Main Tank-level tanks to do the job, so we went to Tempest Keep and killed Void Reaver and High Astromancer Solarian for a short, if rewarding raid. Tonight we'll hopefully be able to go finish off Moro and Kara in SSC. As it stands, the Frayed Tether of the Drowned is the last T5 drop I'm actually chasing.

In other news, after using Enchant Ring - Spellpower on all his rings, Ulushnar is sitting at 367 Enchanting. I'll get him to 375 sooner or later, but I'm not overly bothered with it.


Ardent Defender said...

Hmm, two and a half hour clear of Kara for fun sounds quite impressive though that be routine to you and your geared guild.

Let's see this Saturday night in Kara it took beyond 2.5 hours and numerous wipes starting from Curator to finally get him down and clear trash to Kara. The DPS just sucked big time on the Flares. On Sunday it was no better getting Aran and he's still alive and I know I was In Kara for at least 3 hrs. Dissapointment wouldn't be a good word to use nor is the constantly changing raid DPS/Healer rouster. I rather wish I was being more efficient spending time running Heroics in that time.

I may just decide to quit raiding Kara at the end of month maybe, well see and just spend my time more efficiently grinding Heroics for a while. It would just be a goal of being able to have a functional raid group that can clear Kara in 5 hrs without having constant DCs, Latency issues, Afks and all the like. He'll I would just like to have the same group roster we had in our first 2 weeks in Kara. 5 weeks later over half that group is all different.

Paul said...

Man, if you want a group like that, then why not start one?

You've got contacts from your time Pugging Heroics and I'm sure you could scare up what else you need with a post on your Realm Forums.

You don't need a massive amount of people for a 10-man raid, and if you keep it small, it shouldn't eat up too much of your time maintaining it.