Friday, March 14, 2008

Update 14-03-08

Well I've been on holiday the past week, and not being stuck at work and bored over my coffee and lunch breaks has led to a steep downturn in my blogging. Hope nobody's missed me too much.

Well what's been going on? Well the Tankadin community has been reeling from some blogger at and his claims that Paladins are essentially the third choice as a tank. I would normally link the articles, but I refuse to boost WoWinsider's page rank further by listing them. There's a lengthy thread here if anyone cares.

Why should we care? Well for one thing, Wowinsider is a reasonably respected source of wow news and info, and a poorly coloured view of them could close the minds of raid leaders who might have been willing to give tankadins a chance as anything other than a gimmick tank. But meh, damage done, time for damage limitation.

In other news, not much. I've dropped mining with Ulushnar and instead levelled Enchanting. It was partially out of boredom and partially out of a desire to get two crafting professions going on my main raiding toon.

Haven't done many heroics this week, since the heroic dailies were uniformly sucky (had Sethekk Halls three days in a row and then it was Auchenai Crypts today). Did set a new record for a Karazhan clear on Monday though, of two and a quarter hours. Going to try for better tomorrow.

The 2.4 patch downloader's appeared now, so I guess it's 2-4 weeks until it arrives. I'm hoping this gives the game a bit more of a kick in the arse, because I just haven't been feeling much love for it recently.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

I actually missed not having something to followup and read. Ya you been missed, we do notice since we visit here often.