Monday, March 24, 2008

Another weekend...

...Another bunch of instances cleared.

Friday we went to Tempest Keep and downed Void Reaver and High Astromancer Solarian. Both went down first-time, but I had to leave after the kills to meet some friends and it seems the raid was called without any attempts on Al'ar. Shame, but on the plus side, the trash to Solarian dropped CD's first Seventh Ring of the Tirisfalen which went to Ulu for a not-inconsiderable amount of DKP.

Saturday saw us go and farm Gruul again. The pull for High King Maulgar is always the hardest part and it saw us wipe 3 times (Mage tank kept dying) before we killed him. After that it was on to Gruul, where we wiped for the first time in ages. To be fair, most of our healers were either alts or new, slightly-undergeared applicants, so they had to learn a new role. We killed him on the second attempt, but once again, the Pink Disco Shield failed to drop. After that, I did a Botanica Heroic run for the Daily quest and netted Ulu another seven badges.

Sunday morning, I woke up to do my dailies and saw to my joy that Shattered Halls was the daily Heroic for that day. First up was another Karazhan badge-farming run though. I gathered a group of T5 raiders and we proceeded to lay waste to the instance in two-and-a-half hours. After that, I grabbed four mates from the raid and proceeded to charge through Heroic Shattered Halls, clearing it with 30 minutes still on the timer. These two runs brought Ulu's badge count to 260, which means I can currently afford all of the items I want to get as soon as the Heroic Badge vendor becomes available in 2.4.

After that, had a couple of hours break and then went to Serpentshrine Cavern to kill Karathress and train Vashj. Karathress took a few attempts. Having only one Hunter in the raid meant Ulu had to pull his target solo with the aid of The Decaptitator. Getting my add under control before he spawned his pet was tricky, but we got there in the end. He died eventually, and although his Tanking Neck didn't drop, he did drop the pattern for the Belt of the Guardian. Now all I need to do is win the bid on a couple of Nether Vortices and I'll save myself 30 Badges next patch.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...


That's a fair good amount if badges. I know all together I need about that much to get the 6 or 7 items I need from Heroic Badges.