Friday, August 17, 2007

Now entering freefall.

I've been playing around with this decision for the last week or so, but I've now decided, as of this morning, to stop raiding with Chaotic Divinity.

CD has been raiding Kara now for about 4-5 months, and I've been running it with Ulu for three of those. We've sufferred from a lack of interest/numbers which has seriously hurt our progression beyond that point. With a good group we can kill The Prince and Nightbane, most of the time however, it's the same run up to Aran/Chess and then annoying wipe after annoying wipe. We've managed one kill of High King Maulgar and one other night of about half a dozen wipes on him.

I've heard all the excuses, even made a few of 'em myself:

"It's summer, folks would rather be outside than raiding"

Completely understandable, but I'd like to raid more than six months of the year.

"I don't care about progress, I just wanna play with my friends"

Once again, completely agree, and I hope my friends in CD will still make time for me in Five-Mans and Arenas. That said, if the raiding side of CD isn't happening then I don't see a point in being a member of the CD raid group.

Ulushnar has an application sitting with a group doing SSC/TK which contains a couple of RL mates. If he gets in, great, if he doesn't, then I'll look into my other options.


Peter said...

FoW, I take it? Very best of luck with it. Came to a similar conclusion a while ago myself, as played out ad nauseam on the forums.

Ardent Defender said...

What you desire and what you express makes perfect sense. Its hard choices at times one has to make... to move on or to be stagnated in progress with guilt of wanting to leave.

Sometimes you do have to move on...for your self and for those you leave behind. Just let them know and thank them for the time you were there to aid them. NO love lost, hopefully still remain friends with the guild.

You desire the challenge to move on and progress to see other content. You won't be happy unless you do and if you or the current guild don't move on you won't be happy either. All Perspective. Wish you well, however i'm sure we'll get to read about it :)

Admin said...

I'm bored...