Monday, August 27, 2007

Quick Stop! Hammer time!

Ok, references to crap Rappers of the 80s aside, Ulu got a new plaything this weekend:

Getting the last of the rep meant running Shadow Labyrinth about 5-6 times, one of my least favourite instances. Still I got it done and I'm never setting foot in that hellhole again! Hahahahahahahaha!

*ahem* In other news Ulu also completed the Furies Deck. I'll be able to hand it in next monday for a nice Trinket. He's also managed to max out his mining and get his Blacksmithing up to 360/375. Not bad progress all things told, but the last fifteen points will be the killer. I'll save up my materials and do em slowly. After missing my arena games last week, I managed to grab the necessary games for Wulf and Ulu. Another three weeks and Ulu should get his shield.

Karazhan and High King Maulgar continue to be unforthcoming where loot is concerned. Maulgar again dropped the Paladin token last night, but I was outrolled. I wish we had DKP. Still I got the chance to tank Gruul last night. Our best attempt was 14 growths and 26% health. The problem didn't seem to be tanking or healing, just DPS, we'll see if we can get that fixed tonight.

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