Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ever-decreasing Full Circle.

Well I decided to rejoin Chaotic Divinity last night. I realised that there were only two other raid groups I'd consider applying to. One was less-advanced than Chaotic Divinity and was, by all accounts, having similar problems to us. The other one has a few ex-CDers in it with whom I'm less than friendly, and if I joined it would only be with Wulf, leaving Ulu hanging around in limbo doing heroics with friends around raids.

All in all, despite my problems with CD, I anticipated greater problems elsewhere. So I returned, predictably, to my safe place.

So we went to Gruul. Originally, I had intended taking Ulushnar, but it turned out we didn't have any Hunters in the raid, so I ended up bringing Wulfsblood instead.

After a couple of accidental pulls by yours truly, we ended up taking High King Maulgar down on the first attempt. Wulf's job was to act as back-up "tank" on Kiggler The Crazed, but when the first tank (a Moonkin Druid) died early, it was up to Wulf to step up and take over.

So I didn't play Ulu, but i did get to tank. Luckily the shoulders token for Paladins didn't drop, so I didn't feel too bad about missing it.

After that we made about 5-6 attempts on Gruul himself. We did pretty well, getting him to 37% on the last attempt. Biggest problem seemed to be that the warrior acting as MT just didn't have the Stamina to survive his damage.

All in all, the raid was excellent, and hopefully the shape of things to come.

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