Friday, August 10, 2007

Kara Hates Teh Tankadin.

Well last night's Kara was short of healers so I brought Ulu so that he could offtank on trash and then off-heal on single boss fights.

First boss of the night dropped nice tanking bracers. I rolled the highest, but ultimatley passed to the other Tank (a Warrior) because he didn't have decent bracers yet. I figured that we'd be doing up to the Curator, so there would be another three bosses with tanking drops I needed...

...Turns out that was the only tanking drop of the night. *facepalm* Ulu did manage to get his second set of Tier 4 gloves (this time I sensibly picked the healing set.) This seems to be par for the course. If I bring wulf to Kara, he gets gear upgrades out of his kiester. If I bring Ulu, he ends up with some new healing gear and that's about it.

I'm wondering if I shouldn't just take the easy path and spec him Holy. The paladin Holy tree is one of the more finely-tuned healing trees out there, and Paladins are some of the most mana-efficent and powerful single-target healers in the game. I personally don't mind healing, and unlike our tanking, there's a wealth of itemisation to support it. Everytime I bring Ulu to a raid I feel like I'm bending over backwards to attempt to make him as useful as a halfway decent Warrior or Druid is in the tanking department.

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