Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Update 07Oct08

Well as the witty title may give away, I'm at something of a loss about what to write. I haven't felt the need to play WoW in a while now, although I've been following the Beta changes from the sidelines. The lack of friends and the ever present latency at peak times (ie. the only times I can get on) keep me from actively participating in Beta much.

Since the reorganization of the Prot tree a few pushes ago, things have been looking relatively stable for Tankadins as we head towards the release of 3.0 (next week if the rumors are to be believed). Numbers have been tweaked, but there haven't been any massive changes.

We still don't have an 11-point talent as of this writing, and I imagine we won't see one this side of release. It's kinda sad, but I prefer it to them throwing in some half-assed placeholder to buff/nerf at a later date.

Early data by theorycrafters and raiders seems to indicate that we were sufferring in terms of health and mitigation compared to our eternal "nemeses": Warriors. This seems to have been mollified by the news that in a forthcoming Beta push, the Shield of the Templar talent will be modified to reduce incoming damage by 1/2/3%. This should bring us closer to parity with our fellow shield-bearers.

So sorry readers, nothing exciting to mention here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Indeed I've been trying to keep the guild forums active with random stuff but everything seems to be calming down (before the storm :P).

There was also the blue post along with the SoT remark stating that they might be making BoSan slightly better when self buffed (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/5/10532280539-gc-tanking-testing-assumptions.html) but that may of been just an idea before they put the extra 3% mitigation on SoT.

Shame my testing once 3.02 comes out will be very limited and I'm still in Australia but still can't wait to have a play around :)

Korath - High Infidelity - Outland EU