Monday, October 20, 2008

Old School Weekend

People shouldn't mistake my last post for annoyance, it was more like amusement at a trivial instance being further trivialised. I thought it was funny.

However, TyphoonAndrew had this to say on the matter:

Given that there were Kara/Gruul's guilds in BT who were able to drop bosses, I am expecting this new found power we have to be smashed by the Wrath content. It might be easy now, but it will get equalised. And we'll never do Kara again after this, because how many people bother with MC now?

That comment will be ironic in light of what I did this weekend.

On Friday night I did four Heroics in quick succession: Blood Furnace, Slave Pens, Underbog and Shadow Labyrinth. Achievements was the name of the game, and we played it well. I didn't bother to time most of the runs, but I did notice in Slave Pens that the greater blessings I applied at the start had seven minutes left when Quagmirrian died. We cleared the instance in 23 minutes.

On Saturday, I worked on my achievements with Ulushnar. The Hallows Eve event arrived, which meant another event boss to farm a certain number of times per day, this time in the Scarlet Monastery graveyard. Headless Horseman isn't an especially hard boss to a group with decent gear, and there's some pleasure to be had in pummelling his Tim Burton-Fanboy ryhme-spouting face.

After farming that, I took a break and came back in the evening to join a conglomeration of Earthen Ring raiders for some oldschool fun. We preceeded to clear both Blackwing Lair and Molten Core in a bit over 2 hours. It was kind of nice to see the old bosses again, although 40 raid-geared level 70s kinda made mincemeat out of both zones (Ragnaros in particular died in 18 seconds).

Sunday involved more random achievement filling and Horseman-killing, as well as another spot of sitting offline for an hour and a half when Blizzard shut down the server in the middle of the afternoon. In the evening, Ulu hooked up with the oldschool raiders again for a zerg through the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Unlike Blackwing Lair and Molten Core, it was content I hadn't seen with Wulfsblood pre-TBC, so I got the chance to experience it, albeit at breakneck speed. (somewhat akin to taking a tour in a Formula One car)

Well it was a fun way to spend a weekend, but I'm still finding myself counting the weeks until the release of WotLK...

1 comment:

Typhoonandrew said...

Apart from the runs needed to get Achievements, I meant that instances such as Karazhan will become just like BWL. Basically getting run for distraction or fun value.

There has been a run of whinging on all sorts of forums saying that v3 changes have trivialised the current content, and that the experience for the next 4-? weeks is ruined. I totally disagree. The content is always there, its just changed the playing field and that change upset folks who don't like change.

I wasn't having a dig, in fact I agree with you. I was trying to put the current roflstomp-fest into a WotLK perspective. I love almost all the changes.