Ulushnar's stats, unbuffed at the close of 2.4.
We'll see what the story is in 3.0 on Wednesday.
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
How did you decide which gear to wear for the pic? I have several sets that I juggle depending on what I'm tanking.
Those stats will change much for sure. Even more so at 80 being able to reach well over 30k+. Yeah much will change starting tommorrow.
@krick: I just wore my default main tank gear that balances threat, EH and Avoidance. I tend to just swap in different trinkets, etc to that depending on the encounter.
@Galo: Yeah, I just wanted a baseline for when I switch around gear tomorrow.
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