Monday, September 22, 2008

What I did on my weekend by Ulushnar, level 70.

Ok, so I played some of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It's fun, but the boss fights are an annoyance to someone who's used to tanking his way through fights. I'll get back to it at some point.

But if you're reading this, you're probably wanting some Wow-based information, right?

  • I've pretty much given up on the Beta server. It's always a bundle of lag and ass at peak times (ie. the times I can reasonably log in). Still I have a semi-decent idea of the starting zones now, which is all I'll really need.
  • Friday night, I finally maxed-out Ulushnar's Engineering and made his Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control. I have a chopper now and the lore-freaks can suck it!
  • On Saturday, I spent most of the day doing old-world content with Ulu. I went to Blackrock Depths and solo'd most of the Onyxia quest chain before patch 3.0 obliterates it. I got all the way up to the part that requires Upper Blackrock Spire.
  • I then realised I didn't have the Upper Blackrock Spire key, so I went into Lower Blackrock Spire and had Ulushnar solo the bosses there to get it. Given it's a 55-57 level dungeon, it was something less than a problem for Ulushnar.
  • on Sunday, I also made a Dimensional Ripper - Area 52. Ulushnar now has a Helicopter and a Teleporter.
  • After that, I spent a fair amount of time helping various guildies kill the Brewfest boss before wrapping up the weekend with a Karazhan clear last night.

Speaking of the Guild, things are going ok. We currently have a 14-man membership, and I'm hoping another four people to return from Warhammer before WotLK and join in. There's been a largely positive response from most folks, with the exception of a couple of folks.

Now we just have to spend 7 weeks getting ready for the WotLK release.

1 comment:

Ardent Defender said...

The Lag is very bad in the starter zones and very obvious to everyone there. So sorry to hear that hampered your play a bit. A bit of it in later zones also but more in starter zones.

After reaching 80 in Beta it's just my opinion mining will be big in WotLK and profitable for those who get leveled fast with mining. Just allot of nicely crafted Blues need Ore more so Saronite. Allot of stuff needs Saronite and it's only found in 75+ zones. At 80 some nicely crafted Epics need lots of Titanium and it's extremely hard to find. And I can speculate price for that will be sky high.

WotLK will be nice overall. I can't say which starter zone is really best in a fair way. I've quested in both but more so one that the other. Overall I like Howling Fjord best, I can only hope everyone else start in the other zone that way the other is less laggy. Right now Instance XP gain is nor very high. Hopefully Blizz raises that for instancing while leveling.

However good to hear your guild is coming along well for a small guild.