Monday, May 28, 2007

Tanked all weekend.

Friday night, Ulu was back in Kara with Chaotic Divinity, we killed Attumen, Moroes, Maiden of Virtue and the Big Bad Wolf all pretty cleanly. Fearing a lack of Healers, I changed Ulu's talent spec to something that allowed me to act as an off-healer when I wasn't needed to tank. Hybrid specs are a tricky beast, and I found myself straddling two fences and unable to comfortably tank or heal as much as I would have liked.

I respecced the next morning back to my old Main Tank spec and enjoyed the fun.

Saturday and Sunday were a blur for me, I think I tanked in about ten instances over the course of two days, including a fun run to the old zone of Zul'Gurub which we cleared in under two hours. I also did a crapload of quests, focussing on my two currentl target reps: Lower City and Sha'tar. As of Sunday night, I'm now Revered with the Sha'tar and 1.8k from Revered with Lower city. One more Shadow Labyrinth run and I'll have my fourth Heroic key with only Honor Hold to go.

Honestly it couldn't come fast enough. For someone who only hit 70 two weeks ago, Ulu's quickly outgearing the regular 5-man content. At the moment if I wear my raid tanking gear in a 5-man instance, then I get so little damage that, thanks to the Spiritual Attunement nerf, I get very little mana back from healing.

To counter this I've created a shield block set of gear. Shield Block is one of the cheaper "avoidance" stats, since it doesn't really avoid damage so much as mitigate it by a set amount. At the moment, I can absorb about 360 damage on a successful block with my block gear, which takes the average five-man mob's damage down from about 450-500 down to a much more manageable number.

In five-mans now, we can pretty much ignore crowd control and have all the mobs on me whilst we nuke them down one at a time. The aggro gulf I can create by using Improved Righteous Fury on myself and Blessing of Salvation on everyone else is almost unassailable.

I'm looking forward to Heroics now, I think Ulu's ready for the next tanking challenge.

In other news, I've shifted Ulu's professions again, dropping mining in favour of Alchemy. Whilst I'll miss the constant supply of Primal Earths Mining gave me, I've decided to become an Elixir Master and keep myself supplied with as many buff potions as possible in raids.

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