Friday, December 08, 2006

More on 2.01 and Pics.

As promised, some pictures to illustrate my point.

First of all, on Tuesday Night, before the patch hit, I took a couple of Screenshot's of Wulf's old status quo:
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This is how his combat stat's used to pan out with his old 20/31/0 spec. What the old interface doesn't show you is that his Ranged combat critial strike chance was at 23.09%.

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This was the stats for his trusted Wolf, Fellpaw.

Now, after the patch, things changed remarkably.

First of all, Wulf's endgame DPS went up despite a drop in ranged attack power:

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Also, Fellpaw now got a percentage of some of Wulf's stats, which boosted his combat effectiveness somewhat, even before I'd applied Beastmastery talents:

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Of course, once he was fully specced out, things got really silly:

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(Editorial note, I don't remember Fellpaw having that high damage unbuffed, I suspect I took this at the tail end of using Bestial Wrath.)

Speaking of Bestial Wrath, Wulf has also gained the ability to share in Fellpaw's Bestial Wrath with The Beast Within. Although the visual effects are endearingly silly:

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Finally, a few other changes I really like about Hunters in this patch:

New Ammo: The new level 55 Wicked Arrows are a godsend for Hunters. Before, our most common option was the Jagged Arrow that added 13 damage per second to our ranged attacks. They're pretty awesome when you get them at lvl 40, but twenty levels on, they kind of leave a bit to be desired. Whilst it's possible to get better ammunition by either going to the Alterac Valley Battleground (16.5 DPS) or by taking up engineering (17.5 DS), both options require a lot of time and money (you can expect to spend roughly 60 silver for 200 of either of these options, compared to 10 for the Jagged Arrows.) Having arrows now that not only do more damage (22 DPS), are cheap (16 silver per stack) and are freely available is a massive boost.

Scorpid Sting: This was something of a poor cousin before. It's old form (reducing a target's Strength and Agility by 68) it was useful, but not groundbreaking. The new form (reduces target's chance to hit with melee and ranged spells by 5%) makes it damned-near *essential*. It will now be my sting of choice when soloing.

Pet Scaling: All pets now benefit from the bonuses given to their master's armor, stamina, attack power and spell resistances. Incredibly useful, since it gives your pet a chance to keep up with your damage output as your gear gets better.

UI: The default character screen now has more detailed stats for ranged combat, melee combat, spells and defensive values. I can finally see things like my Ranged crit chance right next to my ranged damage stats.

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