Friday, December 15, 2006

Attack of the Killer Alts!

Well, I haven't been playing Wulf that much recently, although I've managed to get on a couple of raids with mate's groups, and my current spec seems to be performing admirably under those circumstances. I'm going to concentrate this post on my two alternate characters who have been taking up most of my playing time right now.

Stormpaw's gone through some changes recently. Up until the patch, he was focussed on the Feral talent tree, dealing damage through his animal forms. It's great for soloing, but since Storm doesn't really use his feral forms that much when grouped with others, I decided to change his set-up. Initially I split his talents pretty evenly between the Balance (offensive spellcasting) and Restoration (healing spells) trees, which worked pretty well in groups, but Gave him some problems whilst soloing. That in mind, I ended up respeccing him to focus more on the Balance tree. The end result, he now has the ability to shapeshift into a Battle Chicken (well, ok, it's technically called Moonkin, but it looks like a frigging battle chicken!).

In this form Storm becomes more physically robust, able to take a pounding, but sacrifices his ability to cast healing spells. He also tends to draw a lot more aggro than a lot of other offensive casters, which means I won't be using it much in groups (no problem, I'll end up healing in most groups anyway). He also tends to run out of mana very quickly, although there are ways around this that he'll be exploiting.

I've also been levelling Delanthir, my elven priest. He's only level 28 at the moment, but I'm finding his ability to grind XP almost as smooth as my Hunter's, thanks to a slightly unorthodox talent spec reccomended by some friends. I doubt he'll hit lvl 60 before the expansion, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

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