Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I love CD!

Now we almost have BWL on farm status, I've been looking more and more into preparing Wulf for the 40-man An'Quiraj instance, which will prove to be CD's next challenge. To this end, I've started getting a decent set of Nature Resistance gear together for him, however, the problem I forsee is that the third boss (the first to require major Nature Resitance) also requires Hunters to provide Tranquilising Shot to cancel her frenzies. Given that there's next to no Nature Resistance that offers +to hit, this could prove to be a headache (missed Tranq Shot = Dead Tank = Wipe). I've mitigated this problem partially by taking a talent in the Survival Tree which gives me +3% to hit, but this still only leaves me at +5% to hit in my NR gear. To this end, I've decided to get a new Scope for Wulf's Crossbow which will give it +3 to hit. The only problem is that the list of components is intimidating to say the least:

2x Lava Core
2x Essence of Earth
4x Delicate Arcanite Converter (each converter requires 1x Arcanite Bar and 1x Ironweb Spider Silk)
6x Dark Iron Bar
1x Thorium Tube

Easily a few hundred Gold's worth of materials there. So, steeling myself to grinding most of the materials solo, I put up this post on the Cd forums Last Thursday asking for a couple of the difficult/impossible to grind/buy materials from the group's bank.

As you can see, almost immediately, folks offerred to grind the items for me. By Sunday, the people of CD had provided most of the items free of charge (well except for an applicant Rogue who charged me less than half the going rate for an Arcanite Bar). Frankly I was, and still am, shocked and humbled by folks generosity. All I need to do is wait for the CD banker to get back online and I'll get the Lava Cores needed to make it. So once again, I would like to thank the following:

*Svetle for proving 6 Dark Iron Bars, a Thorium tube and 4x Ironweb Spider Silk for the Delicate Arcanite Converters
*Niloc for providing the Thorium Bars and 2 Arcane Crystals for the DACs
*Creyldor for providing 2 Essence of Earth and transmuting one Arcanite for me.
*Hurby for selling me one Arcanite Bar at a reasonable price
*Tibarin/Betty for providing me with the last Arcane Crystal and doing the Transmute to boot.
*Hadji for performing an Arcanite Transmute.
*And Demaz for agreeing to log in each morning to check wether or not I've sent him the bits to make it yet.


Aeigelus said...

Not to rain on your parade, but Hunters should NEVER be wearing NR for Huhuran. There are only 15 people that need to have huge NR number in this fight, usually the rogues, warriors, shamans i believe. Hunters main part in this fight is to tranq, and then once she hits 30%, go absolute BALLS OUT dps. You don't want to be wearing NR when 30% hits, as you will never kill her due to lack of DPS.

Truthfully, 75% of the huhuran fights, you will never take damage in.

Paul said...

Interesting, but not what I've heard from other Hunters on the tkasomething forums. Might be worth pointing out that that we're an Alliance group, so we don't have Shamans(yet), we have Paladins, and I imagine they'll have their hands full on cleansing duty during the fight.

As for lack of DPS... Well I'm sure our Mages, Rogues and 'Locks can pick up the slack. I'd rather be prepared to wear NR armour if we use a tactic that requires it.