Monday, September 04, 2006

Farm Status?

Well, yesterday we went to BWL and cleared from Ebonroc to Nefarian. What's more amazing is that we did it with only one wipe (a three-hunter Tranquilising Shot rotation on Flamegor is tighter than we're used to, and a druid aggroing him into the group at the start didn't help). Annoyingly Ebonroc dropped the trinket I was after, but I had nothing like enough DKP to win it. Ah well, next time!

The Chromaggus and Nefarian fights are still the most rewarding and fun fights in the game for me. And the fact we pulled them both off flawlessly on our fifth (Chromaggus) and third (Neffy) kills amazes me. It won't be much longer until we have BWL down to a one-night farm status. :D

I went to level Stormpaw for a bit after BWL, and tried to get back for AQ40 in the evening. Sadly, Earthen Ring had a 380+ queue that I couldn't be bothered wading through, so I went back to Moonglade and got him to lvl 29! :D

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