Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Of chips and yellow water...

A curious phenomenon I've become aware of over the last few days is the curious need people on the internet need to metaphorically "piss in the chips" of their peers. I was first struck by this when, after putting up my last post to thank Cd for helping me acquire an item, a Hunter from a guild further into Ahn'Qiraj left the following comment:

"Not to rain on your parade, but Hunters should NEVER be wearing NR for Huhuran. There are only 15 people that need to have huge NR number in this fight, usually the rogues, warriors, shamans i believe. Hunters main part in this fight is to tranq, and then once she hits 30%, go absolute BALLS OUT dps. You don't want to be wearing NR when 30% hits, as you will never kill her due to lack of DPS.

Truthfully, 75% of the huhuran fights, you will never take damage in."

Now to answer him here and now. First of all, as should be evident by my many screen shots, Wulf is a Night Elf, and is therefore part of an Alliance raidgroup. This means that we don't have Shamans to fall back on, and our Paladins will most likely be doing a little thing called "Cleansing" throughout the fight. Therefore, assuming a "balanced" raid with five of each class, then the fifteen should be made up of Warriors, Rogues and Hunters (who can wear a large variety of armour types and therefore have an easier time maxing out their Nature Resistance).

Secondly, whilst I appreciate you've found a tactic that works for you, it's not nessesarily a road we'll go down with that fight. From a raid perspective, I'd rather take the hit to my own DPS and let the Mages and Warlocks (who have abilities that actually help boost each others DPS) worry about the massive burst damage needed at 20%.

The bigger issue however, is why do we (and I've been guilty of this myself on occasion) feel the need to belittle the achievements of others simply because it's not the route we ourselves would have chosen? Are we genuinely that insecure in our knowledge that we can't envisage any way other than our own?

Now, before you believe I'm picking unnecessarily on you Aeigelus, this isn't something I see restricted to your input. To Hunters claiming constantly we're useless in Naxx, to people sniping about gear. A new Hunter can't even ask for advice on what to do with their newly-ground Fire Resistance enchant or for advice on what to do on their first Molten Core run without the veterans getting into an off-topic discussion about how much Fire Resistance gear is actually needed in Blackwing Lair. Drives me to distraction sometimes, it really does. :) (I should point out that most of the time, TKAsomething.com's a brilliant site for any Hunter player, and these examples are isolated incidents.)

In other news, CD's made some progress into Ahn'Qiraj. We've got the first boss down now and we've made about half-a-dozen attempts at Battleguard Satura, but it's proving a difficult fight to get under control. Then again, it wasn't that long ago, I said the same thing about Nefarian and we got him in the end.

The hardest thing for me is keeping up interest in the place. I love Molten Core and Blackwing Lair to bits, and I can't wait to start Naxx, but Ahn'Qiraj just bugs me (pun unintentional). The look and design of the place just doesn't compell me or capture my imagination in the same way as the other instances.


Aeigelus said...

Wow... I started off my comment with "Not to rain on your parade" for a reason...

Huhuran is a fight where you need EVERY SINGLE OUNCE of DPS to even come close to completing the fight. If 1 person does 1 thing wrong, you will wipe very easily. If 1 person doesn't put every bit of DPS on the table at 30% (or wears gear that gimps their DPS), you WILL wipe. Healers are basically SPAMMING Prayer of Healing (while Innervated) at 30% to keep their group alive (only for the 15 sponges), so it's not like you can just take a little more time to DPS Huhu down, as healers run out of mana fast. It's simple as that.

The "veterans" give you this advice because it's the truth. We are in no way trying to belittle you, or knock you down. It's just our way of helping out. Passing down advice that we have previously found. If you can't take advice/criticism, then don't ask for help.

PS - Sorry about the Shaman thing, what I meant was the sponge classes in general. I didnt mean to make it a faction based argument. And the argument stands, you don't need resist gear, if you are never getting hit... In my approx. 50 Huhuran fights, I have taken damage about 5 times ever.

Mikael said...

aeigelus, i dont want to rain on youre parade, but for alliance there is only 3 classes that the meatwall can consist of, hunters, rogues, and warriors. Palas need to cleans and heal. We cant put a cloth wearer there, to squichy. So we hunters need to max our nr gear here, minimum of 200, to make it alive through it. Sure it gimps our dps, but not the point that it becomes impossible to do it. So pretty please with sugar on top, next time you feel like giving advice, think it through, especially if youre horde, since youre tactic on this encounter differs from how alliance does it.