Monday, July 20, 2009

I Hate Summer

I have massive hay fever and a propensity for wearing black, so I'm naturally ill-disposed to the few weeks of the year where the sun dares to shine on the Northern Hemisphere. In recent years, my annoyance has been compounded by the fact that it also means that people I can otherwise rely upon would rather be outside than playing.

Now before you call me a total no-life jerk, I'm not suggesting they stay shackled to their desks when the sun's blazing, but it baffles me that they're mostly unwilling to spend 3 hour a night 2-3 times a week indoors.

I'd hoped that this year, with the guild in place the situation would be mitigated, but it appears my hopes were in vain. Sign-ups are in the toilet and conservative recruitment during the busy times has lead to a deficit of raiders. We've had cancelled raids several times in the last few weeks and this is a pattern I can see continuing.

Ultimately, i don't see a way out of it. I dislike resenting people for enjoying the summer, but damn it, if you can't be where you said you'd be then why did you say it in the first place?

All in all, I've pretty much had enough of it.


Ardent Defender said...

Make sure your still having fun even as the summer duldrums of WoW is in full swing :)

Anonymous said...

Recruit 2 new players. We've had the same problem in the past in our 25s and would try to keep the same people so they always have a spot, but out of 25 people, there is constantly 5-6 people that will flake out or RL will get in the way.

Unknown said...

This always happens, I do however agree its annoying to turn up only to find those who made a COMMITMENT, to arriving do not, this has been the catalyst for the demise of many a raid group as those who are left grow tired.

Bottom line is if you make a commitment to someone online its still a commitment and you should honour that.

I have always tried to live by that rule.