Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I've handed in my notice

Greetings gentle readers, sorry for not updating recently. The summer and the normal soul-crushing grind of trying to get people willing to raid have kinda sapped my enthusiasm. Again.

Patch 3.2: The Stopgap Whilst We Work On Icecrown has been released. Demand for heroics has increased about 400% and Ulu's tanking her pretty little ass off most nights. I've also finally got over my cockblock on the Argent Tournament quests and I've been doing those daily when I can.

But all in all, I need a break from the game. Leading the guild, whilst rewarding has also been emotionally and intellectually taxing. Added to that, the care and attention in this tier of content has left me cold.

Ultimately, I've informed my guild that I'll be cancelling my subscription in September, and I've started trying to help them take steps to ensure they can continue raiding after that time.

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