Friday, July 10, 2009

Are we "done"?

So I looked at yesterday's official Paladin Q&A and I was struck by one thing: there was barely any mention of Tanking.

There was a lot about Retribution and Holy in PVP and PVE, but there was barely anything about Protection. This annoyed me a wee bit until I had a think, and I asked myself "well what needs to be done to us?"

I'll admit I could think of some nitpicks (another low-cooldown interrupt would be nice, some kind of gap-closer as well) but ultimately I think Paladin Tanks are in a good place when compared to other tanks. 3.2 gives us another "cooldown" in the reworked Ardent Defender, Blessing of Sanctuary gives Stamina so I never need to choose between it and Kings, and there's a Demoralizing Shout effect in easy reach with the reworked Vindication. Our cup runneth over.

It's a weird feeling to have nothing really to moan about. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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