Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well, added to the general summer malaise and the encroachment of Age of Conan on a WoW-weary CD, we now have Euro '08 (a football tournament for those of you outside Europe) to compete with. It's getting to the point where I wonder why I bother signing in to WoW atm. So to keep me amused, i've been playing through some single player RPGs which I failed to complete before WoW's inexorable gravity sucked me back in.

I've also decided to take the plunge and set up an auxillary blog for my non-WoW-related stuff, be it music, films or other games. It can be found over at walstafa.blogspot.com.


Nibuca said...

So.. as one of those outside Europe.. when you say "football" do you mean "football" or "Soccer"?



Paul said...

I mean Soccer. If I wanted to refer to what you Yanks laughingly call "Football", I'd use the term "Rubgy for Girlyboys who need Armour".