Monday, June 16, 2008

The Great Threat Sweat pt 2.

CD's still in a raiding slump atm. Ulu's tanked Zul'Aman, Karazhan and a few Heroics, but getting 25 people together seems to be impossible right now. I can't wait until WotLK where any instance can be switched between 10 and 25-man.

So, I managed to get Ulu's Shattrath Protectorate Breastplate at the weekend. I socketed it with a Glowing Shadowsong Amethyst, and then procceded to go apesh*t and put further Amethysts into his Belt of the Guardian and Crystalforged Shoulderguards.

In his threat set, Ulu has now gained about 50 spelldamage and 35 spellhit at the expense of around 300 health. Not an amazing trade-off, but every little helps when you're trying to keep up with a T6 Druid. In his main tanking set, he's lost about 150 health (leaving him at 16.2k), but gained 30 spelldamage, which feels ok. Of course now CD just has to get back into the swing of raiding so I can try this set-up on something more challenging than Kara/Zul'Aman.

1 comment:

laslord said...

I was thinking of grabbing the 2.4 chest as well, and I like your idea for gemming. I used to have a problem with threat like you mentioned (Crystalforged Sword) but my woes are now happy ones since I got the Cudgel of Consecration.

It seems like I'm always the only tank on with certainty most days and I get to run a LOT of heroics and the daily. Badges of Justice are in plentiful supply for me!

ps. I enjoy reading your blog as it's nice to see what someone who is higher geared has issues with, to prepare :)

Laslord-VILE (us realms)