Monday, June 09, 2008

The Great Threat Sweat

Haven't updated this thing recently, but then I haven't had much to update.

I've been working my way through a lot of the single-player games that I've bought, started and then gave up on and went back to WoW. I'm not playing Age of Conan much anymore. After the initial burst of excitement, I just feel I've lost momentum with it.

I'm also not playing WoW much outside of raids and the occasional burst of dailies when my warchest runs low. I did run my first Karazhan for a while on Saturday, since I've decided to invest in the Shattrath Protectorate's Breastplate.

I initally resisted the chest, since it meant a substantial drop in Ulu's health and avoidance. However, with CD's increasingly overgeared DPS, not to mention the fully T6-geared Feral Druid we have tagging along with us, I've been feeling the pinch in the threat department. Gone are the days when Omen used to show me with a proud lead on the DPS, and on a Void Reaver kill last week, the aforementioned Druid managed to steal aggro from me in the first five secs, after an Avenger's Shield/ Judgement of Righteousness combo.

Whilst I can claim "well she massively outgears me", it's not really a good enough argument. She's fully T6, but after looking at what Ulu's threat stats would be in full T6, they're not significantly better than his threat gear is atm. It looks like after ages of trying to get decent avoidance and effective health gear, I'm having to look at my threat seriously for the first time. It's a challenge to be sure.


Ardent Defender said...

Sure you will pick up the 100 Badges in no time at all.

The Distracting Shot said...

got a question for you, it seems i am going to have to settle for being ot for a bit as i just transfered servers, what can i do to my gear,enchants and gems to be the best damn add tanking, threat generating offtank i can be?