Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ain't No Cure For The Summertime Blues

It must be summer, because CD's sufferring another membership crisis.

A bunch of our raiders have decided to go to another group. Others are giving up the game and some have just decided to go afk for two months.

This is nothing new, but I'm reminded of the old saying about the broom: change the head and handle enough times and it's not the same broom anymore. CD isn't the group of friends people imagine it to be. It's a tapestry of cliques held together by the promise of raid content. When that fails, they go elsewhere/

It'll probably be late July/early August at the earliest before we're able to field a 25-man again, assuming we get some promising candidates. And if Blizzard actually manage to get WotLK out in October/November then it'll effectively kill interest in raiding for a lot of folks. No point in working on it when it won't matter in three months.

At the moment it's taking me all my willpower just to log on and scrape together a group for ZA or Karazhan. I'm increasingly tempted to stop playing until WotLK. At least then I won't have to worry about getting 25 bodies together for a progression raid.


Unknown said...

get a decent guild, imo
in the world of realm transfers etc., you can be back before end of july if it doesn't work out...but if you do a proper research, there is no reason not to find a decent guild who needs a protadin

Unknown said...

To be honest our group has always suffered during this time, but what has held it together before is the determination of a certain core of members.

I would agree that whilst a lot has changed in the 2 year period or so I really do hope the best is yet to come.

The football will end soon and quite a few will come back to raid at that point.

As for kubas comment, there is nothing wrong with CD infact its one of the better groups I've been a member of online, We have some very dedicated players and wulfsblood/ulushnar is now a member of the council of cd.

I hope he does not follow the advise you give, he would be a loss to our group.


Unknown said...

well than do a major recruitment!
everytime ANY class is short for a 25-man raid, force the CL to open another spot
despite "it was just for football"
it is better to have 10 people on bench and do a bit of switching than 22 (or even 30 with no healers/tanks) to cry in vain for no raid
recruit every week, recruit every day

Unknown said...

I have to agree on the recruitment front here kuba.

But our groups council is responsible for recruitment and wulfs/ulu has just been elected to that, and so that is now partly his responsibility and so hopefully we should see some movement on that front.

Its not that we don't have people applying however, but due to "summer" there is enevitably a slow down in recruitment.

However that is no reason to look to "pastures new", its at those times you have to grit yer teeth and digg in, imho.

I totally agree with the recruit every day mentality, but we also need to ensure that the type of people we recruit are a good fit for the current group of people and also at the level of content we are at (or just before so its feasible to gear them).

My concern is in a way similar to that expressed in the original article that some people want to leave.. but I don't beleive in our case that thats purely to do with a slow down in raiding and if it is perhaps the group is better off without anyhow.