Monday, April 14, 2008

The End?

So, I could tell you about the raids I was on this weekend or the nice purples I acquired (another two pieces of Tier 5), but it doesn't seem to matter now.

My account was hacked last night. All of Ulu's gear has been sold or sharded, along with most of Wulf's. It's probably gonna be a couple of weeks until I get them back, if at all.

If I don't get them back, then I'm damned if I'm sinking another three years into this game, so this may be goodbye.


Lazenby said...

jeez mate

Thats real bad news, hope that Blizzard can sort it out. Its happened to friends in my guild and they have got over it.

Ardent Defender said...

Sorry to hear that man, that's damn painful. Yet I'm sure its not the right word to use either.

Almost everyone and anyone at your level or close knows just how much time one invest to get that far and to be hacked to loose stuff on ones account. Can only hope Blizz help restore your stuff though it will take days to weeks maybe. How much one gets back is uncertain though, yet hope it works out.

Everyone greatest fear in WoW I'm sure is logging in and seeing your account hacked and all one stuff gone. I get a bit paranoid about that happening when I was actively playing. I changed my password every week whether I needed to or not.

Lore said...

For what it's worth, you should be able to get your gear back no problem. I was hacked a while ago; all my gear was gone on all my 60+ characters. Sent in a petition to Blizzard and had everything back in about 3 days. They've gotten a lot quicker about restoring stuff these days.

So, chin up, I'm sure you'll be back in business in no time =)


Corey said...

Ulu, I'm very sorry to hear that. I think in the past 6 months there have been around 3 of my guildmates that have been hacked as well. I just couldn't imagine logging in and seeing that I have been hacked, I would be so sick to my stomach. All that hard work flushed down the drain in a matter of minutes by some $#!@head.
I feel for you and I hope Blizzard acts quickly to get you all of your gear and monies back. I think on average it took around 4-5 days for my guildmates to get their items back. But all in all Blizzard returned 99% of what they originally had. Nowadays, I change my password on a weekly basis just to make sure. So please stay strong and don't stress too much, you'll be back in action before you know it.