Monday, April 02, 2007

More on the weekend.

It was a busy weekend for Ulushnar. He did a lot of quests, both solo and with groups of CDers and a few instances, some with CD members and some with Pickup Groups. My goal was to stick to my rule of "one level an evening, two a day at the weekend". I very nearly broke that goal, since I got within 10,000 XP of level 47 on Saturday night, and I logged off last night with only 30k to level 49. I'll be playing less this week though, so I should still maintain a good average.

I made a couple of changes to Ulu though. The first was to change his talent spec slightly. Previously, I'd focussed on the Retribution tree to boost my damage output after getting 31 points in the Protection tree. Instead, I've decided to put those spare points into the Holy tree, to give me more mana and to reduce the chance that my healing spells will be interrupted. Should enhance my survivability in those multi-mob pulls I love so much.

I've also dropped Jewelcrafting in favor of Herbalism. Improving a crafting profession is a money and time sink whilst levelling, whilst having two gathering professions can help your cashflow and will give me the resources I can give to CD crafters to make potions, armor and gems at higher levels. Of course I've now got to run around levelling Herbalism, but that shouldn't take more than an evening.

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