Thursday, January 04, 2007

Twelve days and counting...

In just under a fortnight, The Burning Crusade will be with us, and I'm faced with a difficult choice. Looking at the sheer amount of work involved in getting access to the endgame raid content in TBC, it's not something I'm gonna want to do with too many characters at once. Whilst it's true that a lot of the "work" involved will be accomplished in the process of levelling and gearing my characters through the new content, I'm honestly not sure what to prioritise.

I've been playing Stormpaw a lot, and I'm finding Druids a great, useful and faceted class. I've done a few small raids with CD with Wulfsblood to keep my hand in, but I just don't find him as exciting anymore. I've also accepted that because of the time I've played with Wulf, there won't be that much interesting gear at first whilst levelling. That said, there's still enough people in CD that I enjoy the company of (although fewer by the day) to make CD the place I wanna be.

I've got a few options and I'm undecided about what I'll go with:

1. Play Wulf with CD, grin and bear it and hope the fun finds me in the process.
2. Abandon Wulf and play exclusively with Stormpaw.
3. Sell a large amount of Wulf's high-end gear to a vendor to aritficially reinject the new content with challenge and excitement.
4. Start trying to level a Druid with CD, tagging along with the new CD alts.
5. Stop playing. And although some folks who know me may be skeptical, I've given this more thought that you might think.

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