Tuesday, August 22, 2006


It's been about three weeks since I touched this thing. What's been going on since then?

*I blew most of Wulf's carefully horded DKP on the first Crown of Destruction to ever drop for CD in five months of Raggy kills. And then I proceeded to dump an Arcanum of Resilience on it and use it only as a Fire Resistance helm. (My full Gianstalker is still the best for normal DPS purposes).
*Chaotic Divinity got Nefarion down to 5% last night. We've got the fight incredibly stable up to the transition from phase 2-3 (when we're zerged by the skeletons of everything we killed in phase 1). With a bit more practise, he's going down! The most frustrating thing is the horrific lagspikes that ruined two otherwise promising attempts at him. Earthen Ring really needs a hardware upgrade pronto!
*I've realised I have nothing I want to do with Wulf outside of raiding whatsoever. Rep grinding quests really have no further interest for me, and Dragonscale farming has stopped being fun due to the fact that most of the best spawn points have 2-3 Goldfarming bots grinding them constantly.
*I moved Stormpaw from Earthen Ring to Moonglade, where I'm levelling him in-between raids with a few ex-CDers. Having a lag and queue-free server feels more of a luxury than it should be right now.
*Finally, I set up a new UI for Wulf last night, which is really, really, Purdy.

Kudos to the maker.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Heh, I may do that Frantics.