Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On smiting.

Well last night, Chaotic Divinity went up against Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair. It was our first time trying him with his Time Lapse breath, and despite reports from other Raid Groups of the difficulty of this particular iteration, we were able to take him down quite easily. This was only our fourth Chrommy kill, so imagine our Hunters surprise and delight when he dropped his fabled Crossbow of Smiting, an impossibly cool-looking ranged weapon that I've wanted for some time. Luckily then, I was able to win it, thanks to one of the Hunters with more DKP passing for me (I reaped the Karma for fitting out the fellow with full Black Dragonscale armour at no cost).

It looks so cool!

And it kicks like a mule to boot! With that in my grasp we went on to take down Nefarian on our first try with only half-a-dozen deaths. Not bad at all for our second Neffy kill. I also fell in love with a new mod which managed to prevent my new precious from suffering the ill effects of Nefarian's class calls.

The least said about the clean-up run to MC afterwards, the better. I'm really tempted to kick future MC runs in the head and concentrate on levelling Stormpaw during them. There are a couple of items I'd still like from MC, but nothing that's worth the constant grind.

Oh, and I should mention that I've changed my talent spec (again!). I've now invested heavily in the Beastmastery tree, which means my Wolf can actually survive being used to pull mobs and can also hold aggro a lot better when grinding Dragonkin.

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