Thursday, July 20, 2006


Well we didn't manage to down Nefarian on Monday or Tuesday. Because of delays, technical difficulties and no-shows we didn't even manage to get a stable tactic on the go for phase one. This one's going to require a bit more work, assuming we can get past Chromaggus as easily next time (I suspect we were lucky with the random breath attacks he had first time).

But I probably won't be there to see it. The burnout I've alluded to in some of my earlier posts has taken firm hold, and I need a break from raiding 4-5 nights a week. Apart from anything else, in RL, my band is preparing a mini tour of England in early August and I could use the practise time. So effective from Sunday, I'm taking a break from raiding until mid-August. I'm gonna take some time to grind with Wulf, maybe level a new pet, do some PVP, or level my oft-neglected Priest alt.

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