Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Entering The Ruins Of Ahn'Qiraj

So last night, Wulf took his first stab at The Ruins Of Ahn'Qiraj, the newly-opened 20-man instance located in Silithus (aka: Sillyfuss, Sillyfuzz, Bug Central).

Strange instance, it's almost like they decided that Zul'Gurub was too hard on players and created a new 20-man instance for a gentler experience. At least, at first.

The surroundings are very grey as you walk through the ruins of a strange, alien city. This is an entomophobe's nighmare, as almost every enemy is a strange insectile beast with homocidal intent. That said, the trash mobs are pretty easy going. Memories of wiping before the first bridge in Zul'Gurub still haunt me, so it was pleasing to see the mobs responded politely to being pulled in groups of two or three and slaughtered with ease.

After about a dozen of these pulls, we faced the first boss, a big Scorpion who didn't present too much of a challenge to us. The main problem with the fight is the need to rotate tanks when he stacks a nasty debuff on them. Still we got him down first time without an issue.

Then, with no trash to clear in between, we had to fight the second boss. Well that is to say, we had to fight his army...

The boss comes with seven waves of troops, each with their own officer miniboss. The trick to the fight seems to be to kill all but one troop, then the miniboss, then let the healer's mana regenerate before killing the last troop and calling the next wave. It's a pretty insane and unique encounter in my experience, but a fun one. Even if it did take the best part of an hour to get through the waves.

After that though, we were tired, having already taken down Onyxia earlier in the night. We made some headway towards the third boss, fighting some interesting trash mobs along the way, but by the end of it, a combination of fatigue and PC troubles curtailed us getting any further.

Can't wait for the next go though! :D

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