Monday, June 29, 2009

Smart Casual Recruiting

I don't normally like doing this, but I figure I'll throw this out there and see if it attracts anyone:

Well Summer's upon us, and like a lot of guilds, we're sufferring from people losing interest or going on holiday. Since we're currently working on Yogg-Saron in 10-man, we need bodies to keep up momentum.

1 Tank (We currently have a Warrior, Paladin and DK MT team and a Boomkin who offspecs Feral, so we'll consider most decent tanks).
1-2 Melee DPS with short-CD interrupts (Yep, we're thinking about General here.)
1 Holy Priest (Our healing team's relatively well-stocked, but it lacks a full-time dress-wearer)

We may also consider 1-2 ranged dps with good gear.

What we expect:

*Gear ready to start Ulduar 10. You should ideally be in at least full Naxx10/Heroics gear as a minimum. DPS should be hit-capped, Tanks should be uncrittable with about 28k health minimum. All gear should be enchanted and gemmed to a decent standard. Decent offspec gear is a bonus.

*A decent standard of written English. We understand that for a lot of people in the EU, English isn't your first language, but that's no excuse to use txt/l337 speak!

*Attendance: We run three progression raids per week from 19:30 to 22:30 server time, invites go out at 19:15. You should ideally be signing for at least two of those raids.

*Guild Membership: We ask that any raiding toons you have join the guild. You're welcome to keep any alts in whichever guild you want.

What we offer:

A fun, friendly atmosphere to raid ten-man content. I know the requirements above sound strict, but to keep the group effective with our casual hours, we need everyone giving 110%.

If you're interested in applying, please head over here and read the "Read this first" thread.

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