Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finally a challenge!

So on Sunday, Smart Casual went hunting for Dragons.

First up was Sartharion, who we hadn't faced before. The encounter's interesting in that you can get more rewards if you try engaging him with his adds intact. Since this was out first visit, we took him by himself and two-shotted him. The wipe was caused by our tank tailswiping the raid whilst attempting to reposition him. Once we decided to let the tank eat the lava wall, the fight went much smoother.

After that it was Malygos and we didn't kill him! We spent an hour and a half working on him, but our best attempt was starting phase three. Am I pissed off? Strangely no. After Naxxramas and Satharion, I've been desperate for a challenging boss, like I remember from my 25-man days. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing wipe after wipe slowly build into a kill.

We tried a follow-up to hopefully kill him before the reset, but couldn't get the numbers. Hopefully the group that's in here tonight will get the job done!

1 comment:

André said...

We have the same, I like Malygos, he wipes us, although 4 days in a row is maybe a little harsh. (that was due yto different raid-members ach night)