I've started replying to tells/private messages from strangers in l337/txt speak with "I'm sorry, but I don't speak your language."
Am I an old fart attempting to hold back the (d)evolution of the English Language or just an asshole who likes to mock the hard-of-thinking? Or maybe I'm a classhole?
The decision, gentle reader, is yours.
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*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
Making it hard for the leet-speakers? Bravo, you sir have my utmost support!
What particularly annoys me about so-called l33+ speakers is that they don't even get the syntax right, A while ago the syntax was revised by a million and one little girls on txt phones and for the worse in my opinion.
besides its highly annoying and was only ever meant to make it hard for non-geeks to read stuff so why people use it is beyond me,
on a mobile device with non predictive text and a 13 character display it was permissable but with todays devices its simply lazy.
So I applaud your attitude to this, however just to play devils advocate are you sure this is just not the english language evolving, most teachers have to put up with the most unbeleivable grammer in schools.
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