Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Time for a break...

I'm winding down my WoW playing, and certainly my raiding for a while to come. I've just got tired grinding the same instances over and over, which, after two-and-a-half years playing the game should come as no shock.

So I'm taking a few weeks at least as a break from Raiding to play other games. First up is Neverwinter Nights 2. I originally got it last year, but the clunkiness of the engine rendered it all but unplayable on my PC. Since then they've patched the game into playability and released an expansion, so I'm going to get stuck into that.

Also, I've had some friends attempt to tempt me to the Dull Side by investing in an XBox 360 and Halo 3. I don't have a massive love for FPS's, but if I can get playing with enough of my mates I'm sure it'll become tolerable.

During my "break", I'll probably still be playing wow, just not as extensively and probably not raiding. It'll be more upkeep play until I return or decide to quit permanently.


Ardent Defender said...

Man i love reading your blog, and its unfortunate that the wear of the constant grind to get the never ending drops have on people over time. It seems to wear everyone out and some guilds it seems. Its not just you, i read that too from many other people blog it seems and it seems common. Its unfortunate the game is twisted this way in the endgame.

In some ways its one of the reasons why i'm not all that excited to see the endgame or to be a raider. A casual attempt at the endgame maybe yeah. But as a commitment no, it will burn me out too, and i don't have the time to commit to it also.

Yet time away is great. I know i've had my moments along the way myself.

Andrew Girdwood said...

The King is bor^D^D^Ddead. Long live the King!

Admin said...

I'm winding down too, but because of family stuff (you should be able to see my locked blog entry on that).

Am missing playing with you, you annoying, daft, sarky, huggable nutter.

Barry said...

I don't usually post comments here, but this post seems to fit perfectly with how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm sick of running the same instances over and over, and theres not much else you can do as a prot warrior.

I can't even be assed with alts anymore, I'm beginning to think it's time to stop playing entirely, theres so many better things we could all be doing with our time.