Monday, March 26, 2007

Y'know what really grinds my gears?

There is one downside to playing a Paladin, and that is the amount of people who whisper you asking if you want to be a healer in instances.

I have no problem with healing, in fact I used to love healing with my Druid. That said, the sad fact is that whilst I can cast healing spells, they're not that powerful, and I don't have the mana pool to cast that many. Plate itemisation before level 60 seems to be focussed around the physical stats and therefore Protection and Retribution seem to be the most viable talent trees for a Paladin. I wouldn't mind going to an instance as an off-tank or emergency healer, but there's no way Ulushnar can main heal.

If anyone out there actually levelled as Holy spec, you have my undying admiration as the most masochistic bastard I've ever met!

1 comment:

Admin said...

Holy spec masochist reporting for duty!

Still am...