Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Update for update's sake.

Well it's been a trying week for CD. Our two leaders have had work and health issues which have seen them cut back on their ability to lead as effectively, and two of our best Main Tanks have left CD for other raid groups over in a cloud of burn-out, deception and ego-driven self-flagellation. This has basically halted any and all progress in AQ40 and made Blackwing Lair much harder work than we're used to.

On the plus side, another old MT returned from a break, and has quickly been brought up to speed on tactics. We were able to get Chromaggus down this week, even if we didn't get anything else done.

In other news, my beloved guild, Surprised Survivors, has undergone a rejuvenation in the last fortnight or so. Some old members returned from other guilds/semi-retirement and the guild chat is once again a place of joy, laughter and crude innuendo.

Finally, it seems that the wait will soon be over, and by this time next week, the Hunter talents from the Burning Crusade expansion will be released. Expect my commentary, thoughts and decision wether or not to abandon Wulf to follow in due course. :)

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