Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Burning Crusade Hunter Changes Part 2: Marksmanship Talents.

Improved Concussive Shot: Whilst it's undoubtedly a useful talent if you PVP, it's not one I've seen a lot of use for with Wulf, and it's not one I'll be picking up post-expansion,

Lethal Shots: This has been moved down to a first-tier talent, and it's the bread and butter of every Hunter: +5% crit chance with ranged weapons. Indespensable.

Improved Hunter's Mark:
Still as dissapointing in TBC as it is now. Still, it'll probably be the place I put Wulf's spare talent points in if I go down the Marksmanship route.

Efficency: Now a second-tier talent since swapping places with Lethal Shots. Still utterly indespensible for any Hunter who regularly engages in long, drawn-out fights.

Go For The Throat: Gives your pet 50% of it's Focus back when you score a critical hit. I fully intend to take advantage of this if Wulf ends up a Beastmastery Spec.

Improved Arcane Shot: With the changes in Arcane Shot, this talent becomes a better investment. Still not one I'm going to bother with though.

Aimed Shot: Currently an indispensable part of any Hunter's arsenal. It's going to be repurposed into more of an opening shot in the Expansion, but I'll probably get it, mainly because it opens up Mortal Shots.

Rapid Killing: Worth it just for reducing the cooldown of Rapid Fire from 5 minutes to 3. There's also a nice damage bonus that'll help in solo grinding.

Improved Stings: Finally a Sting talent worth getting! That said, I haven't yet found the points in any test build to include it, so it possibly isn't *that* worthwhile...

Mortal Shots: This gives +30% damage to all our critical strikes. It used to be indispensable, but some of the builds I'm playing with post-expansion for Wulf don't use it.

Concussive Barrage:
Hmmm... 6% chance of your autoshots dazing the target for 4 seconds. This is potentially interesting when combined with the new Steady Shot spell. Of course it's usefulness to Wulf depends how many mobs can be dazed in raid instances.

Scatter Shot: Useful now, unchanged in the expansion. Our last line of defense if someone get's too close for comfort.

Barrage: A major part of Wulf's current arsenal. I see no reason not to include it if he goes for a Marksmanship Spec.

Combat Expertise: This is nice, giving a +4% bonus to Agility, Intellect and Stamina (a Hunter's main stats).

Ranged Weapon Specialisation:
Like Barrage, this is an indispensable talent that will retain it's utility in TBC.

Careful Aim: This is sweet! A Hunter gets to add 45% of his Intellect to his Ranged Attack Power. That's easily another 100+ Attack Power.

Trueshot Aura: Unchanged, and one of the nicest group buffs out there. That said, I'm glad both the Beastmastery and Survival trees got group buffs as well, since that gives the Hunter who chooses to specialise elsewhere the ability to buff their group.

Improved Barrage: This is amazing, simply amazing. If you have Barrage, there's no reason not to get this as well.

Master Marksman: An extra 10% Ranged Attack Power on top of everything else makes Marksmanship Hunters undisputed kings of ranged DPS.

Silencing Shot:
Interesting final talent. Useful in PVP, not sure of it's PVE use yet.

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