In many ways, I curse Blizzard for ever announcing the forthcoming Cataclysm expansion before Icecrown even hit the PTR. In many ways it gave people the perfect "jumping off" point. The figure raiding doesn't matter when they can see the reset button coming in less than a year.
Anyway, Smart Casual's been hit by a rash of them recently. Lots of folks getting tired and wanting to leave for a while, each saying they'll be back when the expansion comes round. In all case, I'm left in two minds. On one hand, they're friends, people I would happily choose to play with. On the other, in order to keep raiding in the here and now, I'm forced to replace them, and whilst I may not always be crazy about the folks who do replace them, it's not like I'll be able to turn around to them in six months and say "sorry, but it's time to make way for the guy you replaced."
If you're gonna quit, quit, but don't say "see ya in the next expansion" like I'm supposed to hold a door open for you.
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
Heh, have no fear Paul, personally I have no intent on returning in Catalysm asking for a raiding spot back :)
I said I will be rolling a Worgen class mostly to play it on ER for fun to see the levelling progress. If all goes well I won't even buy Catalysm to be honest, but that's still far off.
I can still say, you have quit many times also and we always kept the door open for you - so do unto others etc. :)
Congrats on missing the point. The issue is not "do I let these people back in?" it's "do i have space for these people with the recruitment I've had to make in their absence?"
Of course I'd want the people back, but do I penalise those whom I've had to recruit in the meantime for that?
As for the whole "do unto others" thing, the full quote is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If I left, was replaced, and saw I wasn't needed, then I wouldn't expect the door to be held open for me. Hell, i'd be overjoyed.
Pff, as time has over and over shown, being picky about recruiting people just ends up biting us in the ass when summer or real life hits us - we turned Kirani/Rizz/Molty down and realized after few months we needed them to have comfortable class balance..
To be perfectly honest, I knew you'd be back anyway, that's why I kept melee spot open and when that warrior guy was kicked it wasn't hard to get Graysun back ;)
But I hope to god (even if I don't believe in one) I won't return to raiding in WoW anymore. Or maybe even WoW. I'd prefer some more casual game to play...
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