I haven't posted on this blog for a bit, and I don't know if I will much in the future. Simply put, Ulu hasn't raided since September and he probably won't be raiding again in the future. I've set up a new blog to follow Graysun's exploits as I master the fine art of DK DPS. If you're interested, it can be found here:
Shadows & Dust
Thanks to everyone who has read or commented on this thing over the last three years!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hiatus of a sort.
Posted by
11:00 AM
Monday, November 02, 2009
Sick of 'See You In The Cataclysm'
In many ways, I curse Blizzard for ever announcing the forthcoming Cataclysm expansion before Icecrown even hit the PTR. In many ways it gave people the perfect "jumping off" point. The figure raiding doesn't matter when they can see the reset button coming in less than a year.
Anyway, Smart Casual's been hit by a rash of them recently. Lots of folks getting tired and wanting to leave for a while, each saying they'll be back when the expansion comes round. In all case, I'm left in two minds. On one hand, they're friends, people I would happily choose to play with. On the other, in order to keep raiding in the here and now, I'm forced to replace them, and whilst I may not always be crazy about the folks who do replace them, it's not like I'll be able to turn around to them in six months and say "sorry, but it's time to make way for the guy you replaced."
If you're gonna quit, quit, but don't say "see ya in the next expansion" like I'm supposed to hold a door open for you.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Labels: Guild Stuff, Raiding