Monday, February 02, 2009

Plus ca change...

So Smart Casual's sufferring a little atm. We've had three members go off on holiday at the same time as well as one of our other healers leave. We can still scrape a raid together for Naxxramas, but Malygos is proving to be a real arse and we can't even start work on adding drakes to Sartharion.

Outside of raids, I've only been logging in to do Jewelcrafting daily quests for Ulu, and to abuse his Icy Prism cooldown. I've found him inundated with Scarlet Rubies, so I picked up the Bold Scarlet Ruby pattern this morning and churned out seven of them! Given they're selling at around 100G a pop on my server, I should make back most of the money I threw at learning Jewelcrafting. If I can keep this up for a few weeks, I might even earn the cash needed to get epic flying for Graysun (which would in turn encourage me to get the last level I need with him.)

Even if I don't, I can throw them in Ulu's Ret/DPS gear and still find a use for them.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: I like Jewelcrafting.

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