Still no progress on Artorius. I've made a couple of scouting runs to his spawn point, but no sign of him. Still, I'm off work most of next week, so I might get a shot at him then.
Still, I've consoled myself with a couple of new shineys from Blackwing Lair. The Axe in particular is pimp as fook!
Also, because I keep running into folks who read this thing online or in-game, can you post a comment if you read this? I'm just curious about who the hell reads my interminable ramblings.
Checking In
It's been a while since I last posted. Not much change in what I'm playing
*World of Warcraft*
The new patch just dropped. It's pretty fun. I'm ...
6 days ago
1 comment:
The capatcha doesn't work from the blackberry. This is Luton Airport wireless.
Did you think Wulfbloods' tales would reach southern England in such style?
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